Here are the latest FREE tips on guitar playing, songwriting, producing, performing being added regularly by Dec [Cluskey] … a great help for making money with your music. Why not subscribe to ‘4 Minutes With Dec’ and be informed of all the latest uploads? Subscribe in right hand of any page


These are FREE successful guitarist’s tips, a quick guide to the few items all the top world class guitarists know are essential to make their life that tad easier.  They can concentrate on making the money, enjoying themselves, instead of watching disasters happen all around them.


These are FREE music studio producing tips that the Big Boys use to make lots of money from their music.

You are hired to produce in a studio in London/Paris/Nashville … what should you bring? What should you have in the trunk of your car?

Dec shares producing tricks and tips built on years of ‘being at the sharp end’.  These work even in your own studio.


This is a special dedicated page helping you to become a sought after, successful and money earning songwriter using the tool you love best … your guitar.

You will find 5 top tips on this page together with supporting short videos to help you with each tip … and remember that I am available on the phone [private line direct to my studio desk] by Email [I reply to all emails within 10 hours or 24 hours if I am on tour] or Skype free Internet Video Phone for all members of my Serious Writers Guild.  My team are waiting.

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01323.725008 in the UK