have a strong, hit potential track ready to go. What
if someone discovered the secrets of a hit record,
told you them so you know that you have a dead
that is exactly what I have done ... researched,
investigated, tested, probed and studied every aspect of
what makes a Hit!
a matter of days, reading this awe inspiring book and
then using the simple, automatic CDrom analysis program
you can see the total points for your latest toon - an
automatic percentage readout of your Hit chances and a
clear written indication of where you are going right
... and maybe a little bit wrong.
Are you
the most frustrated music maker in the world!
Do you have the desire, the enthusiasm, the fire in your
belly, but not the ability? Do you find you are
turned down time after time by Record companies,
Production companies, Publishing companies? I know
a guy who spends more on sending Jiffy bags to companies
than he gives his wife housekeeping each week!
Does he have any success? What do you think?
It took 40
years of researching, but my hard work paid off! I
eventually and slowly discovered the 57 Secrets of a Hit
Record. I'll reveal them one by one to you in
this amazing, mind blowing book and CD..... Oh, by the
way, I didn't mention the CD?
Once I had
found the complete 57 secrets, examined each in detail,
proved that they worked, then I set about finding PROOF
from guys who had actually made $Millions by using these
Secrets. Took me a while to find them ... but I
It then took
me 4 years to write the definitive descriptions of the
57 Secrets.
Then the
time it took to refine, hone and polish the
Secrets....then the warnings, the examples, the ways to
apply the secrets.....and of course, as any of you who
have read any of my other works will know, the true
stories ... the fun stories along the way.
Do you have
a music "life story?" It might be a
little like this:
you've struggled with a limited knowledge of music,
having to accept the results of your efforts and not
be exactly ecstatic about them?
of this limitation, you sometimes make up toons that
are not exactly the Hit Material you think they
should be?
tried your best to write Hit lyrics just like Don
Black, Diane Warren, Cathy Dennis, Gaga, Katy Perry but they always
seem to be too deep, too lumpy [whoops I nearly gave
away one of the secrets then] and too strained?
You have
persisted and injured your pride, your self esteem,
your excitement...you have gotten almost
visited a local 'open mic.' night and been absorbed
into their "don't get sucked into that
commercial cr*p" way of thinking [Oh
please! Never listen to those guys!]
And now
you may be dissatisfied with your chosen career
[music] and think you may as well be a bus driver
[do they really get the money that the job is
advertised at?]
Through my
lengthy research, I found that the Secrets were almost
slapping me in the face. You see, I was lucky, I
started my career in Ireland....which is very USA
orientated as regards music and Hit taste. So,
forgive me for saying this, if you are from the UK, I
was streets ahead in my commercial thinking ... even
before I came to the UK.
I also was
in a situation that I had to put food on the table from
my music...once I journeyed to the UK and burned the
bridges behind me .... that was a heck of a brave
thing to do. I left a comfortable, assured, mega
career as a Civil Engineer to seek my musical fortune in
London ... no Social Security, no Welfare ... and NO
So I started
to learn the 57 Secrets very quickly ... and they were
cemented in my brain even more quickly. I didn't sleep on the
Railway Station benches for very long. Hey, I can still
show you the best spots to sleep!
So how did I
learn these secrets?
My name is
Dec Cluskey and you may or may not know that I outsold
The Beatles with my band The Bachelors [ www.thebachelors.co.uk
] in 1964 and 1965. We were in the chart for 77
weeks in 1964 against The Beatles 55 ... some
achievement? Yes, I was learning the Secrets fast.
I had two in
the top five at the same time...that is a unique club.
Working with
the top USA producers and the top UK session guys ...
plus UK producers of astonishing importance, I
accumulated secret after secret. Secrets from
Dusty Springfield through to Tom Jones, Englebert ...
The Stones, right up to Oasis, through Led Zeppelin ...
and onwards to Coldplay, Beyonce, Joss Stone, Emminem,
Lady Gaga, Brad Paisley
.... the secrets came thick and fast.
In my
current role as mentor and advisor on some tasty
projects ... plus my involvement on a day to day basis
with my 'Serious Writers Guild' [ www.makehits.com]
, a bunch of successful
songwriters and music makers in 43 countries world wide
... I see these Secrets work with a vengeance.
good reasons why you should grab this fast:
#1: I have heard, through my years, the
biggest load of trollop talked about the writing and
making of hit records. The fact of the matter is
that it is EASY! But finding out how is mighty
hard...in fact, impossible. Unless you happen to
meet a guy like me.
I always say
that it is IMPOSSIBLE to stumble on the way to write and
make a Hit Record just strolling on the beach.
But so many
guys think that is how it happens.
No...No....No.... IMPOSSIBLE!
I have seen
many guys spend $fortunes on sessions and on demo making
and reproduction, marketing. But they don't
understand that it is IMPOSSIBLE to get the results
unless you know how to write and make the Hit in the
first place.
They all
feel that the Industry is against them .... No, No, No!
The Industry
Potential Hit Records ... and sadly it is impossible to
make them unless you know how...unless you know the
#2: I became a star pupil of every, and I
do mean EVERY producer, engineer, musician, singer that
I ever met and worked with .. and I met, and worked
with, them all.
Think of
sitting beside Jimmy Page as he played on one of my
Hits? Playing with Brian May? I have sung with so
many legends that you would feel I was simply showing
off if I named them.
not boasting if you can back it up"
Think of
being produced by Shel Talmy, Artie Harris, Art Sneider,
Colin Frechtor, Ivor Raymond, Michael Barclay, Dick
Rowe, Andrew Logue Oldham, Tony Hatch, Norman Newell,
Mike Hurst - and that is only scratching the surface.
Then the TV
shows? The radio shows? The films?
Think of
being managed by the top guys: Philip and Dorothy
Solomon...total legends.
#3: In the past 10 years, word has gotten
out about my 'Serious Writers Guild' and the results
music guys are getting from listening to what I have to
say. Now the Industry knows that whatever Dec says
is 98% right. I say 98% because there is always
some joker who will go out of his way to prove some
slight thing I advise is not 100% true all the
time. Say about lyrics, for instance?
But these 57
Secrets I use all the time...now producing my band's
77th album.
some very heavy duty Hip hop guys [Davali] who are
flavour of the month in Hip Hop production.
O'Donnell from 'The cure' readily accepts my
advice. Alvaro, in South America, scored his first
Number One using my methods. One of our members
even has series on National Radio 4 ... unbelievable.
"It knocked me out! Dec, you are the real deal. I love the way you've thought through all of this. What a privilege it is to be learning from you.”
Stillman Thomas [writer … for Microsoft, Hewlett Packard and Sun Microsystems]
more testimonials |
I predict
that my '57 Secrets' will be the "secret
weapon" used by some of the winners
of the world’s most prestigious awards, including the
American Awards, Smash Hits, the CMA Awards, and yes,
the Grammies.
Over the
years I've taught my students these best-kept secrets,
but now they are all available, for the first time, in
one affordable package. It's been the most
fulfilling work I've ever done. You
will get the results YOU want.
But not
everyone can afford the price it will eventually go on
sale for. So to you, my chosen friend, I am making
a silly price ... what could it be?
Let's say
£1 [one GB pound] for each secret...is that silly
£57 to make
a $Million a year career .. the math. doesn't add up
By the way
£57, in the UK is approx. $100 in USA dollars... or
EU83 in Euros.
After the initial promotion to my friends and members the price will go to the correct price of £157.
Secrets of a Hit Record"®
is it?
The 260 page book explains in
great detail the 57 Secrets of a 'today' Hit Record,
with examples, warnings, advice and methods of
application. Also, as a BONUS, you get the Audio
CD with some of the biggest writers and music artists confirming
how the Secrets worked for them. PLUS the Analysis
CDrom...an interactive program that actually lets you
gauge the Hit Potential of your latest track.
Maybe you want to simply
use the Analysis CDrom as a fun way of checking the
secrets of your favourite hits? It is a serious
tool, but you can have fun as well.
In '57 Secrets' I show
- The one mistake every
songwriter makes in lyrics...easily rectifiable and
makes for some red faces when the mistake is pointed
out. The one secret that will increase the
percentage chance of a Hit mightily.
- How even practiced
music guys can easily slip into silly mistakes in
mixing...the 'Secrets' gives the Industry Standard,
sure fire, absolutely definite way to mix a Hit
- The one trick that is
sure to get you a Number One. But you would
never stumble across it in a million years.
- My secret of all
secrets - will kick your percentage chance of a Hit
sky high.... laughable in it's simplicity, but
impossible if you don't know how. [or why?]
- The reason why some
toons simply fill dance floors - even if they
are slow, lush ballads. wouldn't you like to
know that secret?
This amazing package can
be with you as quick as a blink - of course, the extra,
extra bonus is that you get total
access to me by my private phone on my studio desk
or by Email, fax or by Skype [Internet free phone] and
by Festoon [Internet Video free phone].
the complete 57 Secrets of a Hit Record, step-by-step.
I dread to
think how much it has cost to put this 40 years of
research and 4 years of writing, honing and polishing
Right now, you'll pay
only £57 ... $100 .... or EU
"Hi Dec , some good news regarding my girlfriend Erin's songs, 3 are being used on a new American TV show. Anyway thanks again for your invaluable support, knowing your there makes this leap into the publishing world feel a lot safer" ... Roger O'Donnell [The Cure]
more testimonials |
can't lose with my total lifetime guarantee - money
returned promptly and courteously - no questions asked.
give you a lifetime to try this amazing package.
it doesn't give you the increase in your percentage
chance of success that you want, send it back and I'll refund your full purchase, NO
You'll get all
the benefits, and I'll take all the risk.
decide based on just reading about it.
Get the "57 Secrets of a Hit Record" package now, use it and see what everyone's talking
about. If it doesn't give you the results you
want...Send it back for a full, no questions asked
Ways to Buy Online PAYPAL accepts all cards You do not have to be a PAYPAL member
OR CALL +44 (0)1323.728005 [UK 01323.728005] for fast Credit Card Hotline
UK office hours .... check time?
Cheques, P/Os, Western Union etc. and Money Orders payable to: The Serious Writers Guild at: Stanton Prior, Darley Road, Meads, Eastbourne, BN20 7UH, In the UK.